What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

Come Now and Gather

We are made for fellowship, in good times and bad. It’s built into us to need relationship. Both with God and other people.  For  me I have to admit, animals come in a very close third too.We often sing a song in church before communion. The very first...

Joy in Visiting

Click clack, click clack. I love the sound of a keyboard humming along with the flow of words. Or the feel of pen on paper scratching out letters that come from my heart.I can get lost in my own little world of words, thoughts and dreams on paper. Sometimes retreating...

Pure Excitement (and a little fear)!

I signed up for the She Speaks Conference in July. (Happy dance!)She Speaks is a combination of spiritual inspiration and practical application for writers, speakers and leaders. There will be so many amazing teacher’s there to work with us as well.I have prayed...

Share God’s Glory

And since we are His children, we are His heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share His glory, we must also share His suffering. Romans 8: 17 (NLT)Jesus came to share in the human experience with us.  He knows...


WELCOMEI’m excited to welcome you to my place for sharing my writing’s.  I love the feel of pen on paper, the click clack of keys and the way words dance and play across the screen or paper. It feels like a great dance in which I’m privileged to...

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