What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

Piecing Together the Puzzle

Have you ever taken a “selfie”? If you have teenagers in your life at all I’m sure you’ve at least seen them. Most of the time they show only what the person taking them wants you to see. A glimpse into their life. Or so it would seem.What’s missing from that selfie...

Anchor to the Truth

I’ve always strived to be enough. Smart enough.Tough enough. Independent enough. Thin enough. Pretty enough. Good enough.Maybe, just maybe, if I’m “enough” of all these things I will feel like I can relax. I won’t have to work so hard to be loved and accepted.The...

Distracted or Focused Dreamer?

I’m a day late and most likely a dollar short on joining in tis week for Five Minute Friday. I’ve always marched to my own beat. J The Five Minute Friday linkup can be found at http://katemotaung.com/The word prompt for this week was: “Dream”. The idea is to free...

Stand Guard – The Attack is On!

Its crunch time baby!I’m getting down to the wire preparing for the SheSpeaks conference in NC in one month.Eeek! Did you hear that? ONE month. My book proposal runs through my head in just about every waking moment. Sometimes even in my less than waking moments....

Open My Eyes

It’s lambing season at my house and it is just flat exhausting! You go nonstop. Sometimes I struggle to put one foot in front of the other honestly.I was telling a friend the other day that I felt like I was drowning. It was like I was desperately treading water just...

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