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Miracles in the Mundane

A collection of short stories from the ranch in western South Dakota.

Have you ever wanted to spend the day in the saddle helping move cattle?

Or maybe help out during lambing season on a ranch?

Well, come along for some grand adventures on the Hicks Ranch in western South Dakota.

You’ll be transported through this collection of short stories to a place full of wildness and wonder. Where time feels frozen and the advances of society don’t spoil it.

Where the hills and canyons are dotted with pine trees and the smell of freedom and where the elk and buffalo still roam.

Make sure you watch your step as the rattlesnakes are plentiful out here but so are the good times!

My prayer is that these ranch stories will help you feel a connection to the land and a way of life that is hard to see from the road. All while learning a few lessons that Jesus taught me through the years from it as well.


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Learning to let go of the past and leave a new legacy

Have you ever felt like where you come from determines the outcome of your life? What if you could learn to let go of the past and leave a new legacy?

Abandoned with several kids in the backwoods of Missouri, my grandma’s faith changed the course of our family’s future. Ripples is the story of a family plagued by generational sins of violence and addictions.

But this isn’t just our story. This is a redemption story for everyone who longs to know their lives aren’t too messy for Jesus! That you are fully known and fully loved regardless of your past.

It’s an opportunity to discover that where we come from doesn’t have to determine where we go. God is in the business of restoration and He wants it for you as well.

In Ripples, father and daughter team, Bill and Laura, take you on a journey through true stories of heartache but also of great victory! In their down home way they share the hope weaved through their own story, in hopes it will help transform yours!

Come along as we discover how God’s redeeming power leads to freedom and forgiveness along the way.

Available at the following bookstores. 

About the Authors

Laura Hicks

 Laura is a writer, youth group leader, rancher and animal lover. She has a heart for helping others find freedom and hope in Christ! Laura lives way out in the “sticks” of western South Dakota with her biggest supporter and husband, Mike, and their family! She loves to write about ranch life and the lessons she’s learned from God through it.


Bill Hines

Bill is a pastor, rancher, veterinarian and gospel music lover! He is a family man through and through who loves to write and play music. Growing up, his kids would sit around his chair for hours listening to him play guitar and sing. Bill is Laura’s father and encouraged her to believe anything is possible with Christ! Along with his wife, Jeanie, their family ranch is “just over the hill” from Laura in western South Dakota.





Laura knows what it’s like to walk through fire and come out on the other side trusting God. I love her dynamic story-telling and captivating narrative that she uses to lead us through the journey of letting go of generational sin and bondage. With Jesus we have the opportunity to embrace a new legacy of faith and Laura tells us how to do it. If you want to create a lasting legacy of faith, you will be encouraged by Laura’s redemption story.

Micah Maddox, National Women’s Conference Speaker and Author of Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World  

An endearing walk down the spiritual legacy trail. Be prepared for a hard history–a family running with unrighteousness–to unfold with the hope and power of Jesus Christ. Readers, get ready for a journey. You’ll be a part of this, too.

Kristi Woods – Writer at KristiWoods.net, speaker, & Jesus girl

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