What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

Have you ever struggled with spending time in God’s word? Your heart wants to but your head is fighting you with your ever growing to do list. Let me reassure you – you aren’t the only one.

I believe one reason so many of us struggle with spending time in God’s word is because we try to make sense of it through our own reasoning. Somehow leaving God out of the equation.What are we really trying to accomplish with that though?

[Tweet “Head knowledge is one thing but heart knowledge is what leads to transformation.”]

The Bible is a great history book but it’s SO much more. God’s word is living and active.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

Do you want to simply know about God or do you want to know God? His word shows us the heart of God. When we spend time letting Him lead us through the truths in the Bible we can fully pursue God.

It can be far too easy to let our time in God’s word slip away with the busyness of our lives. Really, I get it. Yet it’s so important to understand how important it truly is so we can guard our time in God’s word well.

God’s word is sufficient for all our needs. Everything we could ever need for our lives can be found in His word.

God’s word is truth. There aren’t any errors in the His word and it can be trusted.

God’s word is full of His promises. We need to know these promises so we can claim them!

God’s word equips us to serve Him. It gives us all the guidance we will ever need to do His work.

So you see, it’s vital we protect our Bible study time. We are created with a God sized vacuum in us and nothing else will fill it.

[Tweet “Be on guard for those things that try to chip away at our time in God’s word.”]

Free, Online Bible Study

As a way to compliment your time in God’s word I’d love to tell you about a free, online Bible study my friend Sarah Koontz created. I was blessed to get to read through it early and am excited about how much value Sarah is offering her reader’s.

“The powerful promises of Psalm 119 teach us how to commune with God in the good times and the bad, revealing the critical role God’s word is to play in our day-to-day lives.” Sarah Koontz

Free Online Bible Study

Sarah has kept each devotional the perfect length for our busy lives while still being in depth enough for transformation.


The study begins February 15th so get signed up right away. While you’re at it invite some friends as well.

[Tweet “Each verse of Psalm 119 is a valuable gold nugget; it is our job to mine it and refine it. #freepsalm119study”]

I’d love to hear if you’ll be joining in on this study of Psalm 119. Let me know either in the comments or send me an email.

I’m praying we’ll each hunger and thirst for God’s word above everything else this week. Blessings friend!


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Laura Hicks
Free Online Bible Study
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