What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?
Sorry for I’ve been so absent lately. I have been super busy with hosting a sheepdog trial as well as fall ranch work. I’m trying to me consistent with blogging but ranch life is a lot of things but consistent or on any kind of schedule isn’t one of them!

Working daily with family is such a blessing but can also be a challenge. For some reason we have a tendency to be the hardest on those we love the most. Maybe it’s because we feel safe with them. In ranching we spend SO much time with each other that there can be times when you just need a break. Unfortunately at certain times of the year that’s just not possible.

Fall is a busy time in the ranching world. Hay needs to be hauled home and stacked, ready for the all to quickly approaching winter. Lambs need sorted off  and sold as well as ewes dewormed and flushed to prepare for breeding. Booster shots need to be given to the spring calves. Fall calvers are busy having their babies. Pregnancy testing spring cows happens as well as selling spring calves. A whole year of work comes down to what can be a volatile cattle market most days.

Saying life can be stressful is an understatement.

Way to many times that stress comes to a head and boils over with harsh words cast too quickly at our loved ones. Never even a thought given to how much damage those words are causing.

Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer deflects anger,but harsh words make tempers flare.

I’ve been married to the same man for 23 years and we have ranched together and worked side-by-side every year since I was 18 years old. We spend a lot of time together! Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world but sometimes when you’re in the heat of the moment real life can be tough.

So when that cow jumps over the fence and my husband is screaming I can either scream right along with him and escalate the problem or I can remember what God says about getting rid of all harsh words and choosing the gentle answer. In the moment I can often feel like I’m entitled to an outburst but I know God’s ways are best. Oh, how I wish it was easy but my flesh screams to have it’s way.

Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

I have found that my flesh’s solution to tense situations with harsh words does nothing to help the situation. God knows best as always. Harsh words make tempers flare. There is no way my anger, rage or harsh words will help diffuse any extra emotions my family is feeling from a stressful situation.

On the other hand by being kind, tender and gentle I can help deflect more tension, anger or harsh words. I truly love my family and don’t want to make those closest to me suffer because I think I’m “safe” to say whatever I want. They deserve my best!

The only way that’s truly going to happen when you’re in the middle of a tense moment is to intentionally take a deep breath and ask God for help. Our flesh will fight against it but take our thoughts captive and make our flesh submit to the spirit.

Our loved ones deserve our tenderness and forgiveness that Christ showed us!

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