The hills all across the horizon were dotted with ewes and their new baby lambs.

I knew he was speaking to me through His creation. Reminders all around me of his handiwork. Love notes from our creator for His created!
Even amongst all the struggles of the last year, I could feel God’s love and presence permeating every part of me.
When people talk about where I live they most often say “way out in the sticks”. When I tell people where I live I always say, “In God’s country”.
The Lord has been so generous with his love. He lets me be a part of his daily miracles. He sends me little love notes throughout the day.
A calf bucking and playing across the pasture.
The shadows dancing in tree lined canyons.
A new foal just figuring out his wobbly legs.
An early morning, golden sunrise across the vast horizon.
God speaks to us in many ways. Through his word, by the Holy Spirit and love notes wonderfully placed just for us throughout God’s creation.
Even in the middle of heart wrenching issues God has a way of reaching out and reminding me how much He loves me. When I have felt like I’m drowning in worry and fear the Holy Spirit gives me a gentle reminder of how much I’m loved by the creator of all this splendor.
I realize life this side of heaven can be very difficult and the thought of a sunset helping us through our problems might seem farfetched. When that sunset is a love note from the God of the universe it more than possible.
Father, I’m so blessed by the glorious love notes you help open my eyes to throughout the day. Help me to always stay sensitive to Your glory all around in me. In Jesus name, amen.
Hi Laura, I love how you draw us into the beauty of God's creation and his created beings – ourselves and his animals. You are one fortunate gal to have such beautiful surroundings where we see God intimately cares for his world and for us each day. This last week I had a similar experience. I had the privilege of spending time in and writing about God's beautiful Rocky Mountains.
Oh I love spending time in the mountains as well. I do feel blessed to live where I do but need God to remind me from time to time when the work gets really hard. Blessings to you Rachel.