How do you want to be remembered? Is it for the things you’ve accomplished? Maybe the awards and “stuff” you’ve collected?
What about the people we’ve been blessed with along this journey?
I’m a competitive person by nature. I like to set a goal and then go for it. I spent most of my youth competing in as many sports as possible.
One of my favorites was rodeo. I particularly liked to rope. Every free moment I had you’d find me roping a dummy in the backyard or working with my horses.

Now I’m not what you’d call a hoarder. If you have something that means a lot to you it probably should be nailed down before I start cleaning. It could very easily go if no one used in a certain amount of time.
Because of this I would have told you I always put people over stuff any day of the week.
But…when I won my first belt buckle as a kid rodeoing, I never looked back. It became my mission to win as many as possible. It was a bit of an addiction.
That same desire carried over into my adulthood when I switched to training stockdogs instead of horses. Still working towards collecting as many prizes as I possibly could.
I was on a slippery slope of collecting stuff over people.
Along the way God quietly started working on my heart. He was showing me it wasn’t about how many prizes I could collect but how many people I could love.
Now I’m not saying goals are bad. I still set goals and work towards them. What I have learned is all the “stuff” I’ve collected over the years is basically collecting dust. It sure doesn’t give me any kind of love back!
People – they’re what’s worth collecting!

All of the time spent chasing my dreams really wouldn’t mean much without the people who are on the adventure with me. I cherish the countless times we’ve laughed, loved and prayed together.
Love is what makes life worth living.
Sure we may still have to dust off a relationship from time to time but it’s an investment worth making.
The memories I’ve made as well as the relationships that have grown through the years of competing far outweighs any kind of award I’ve ever won.
When we’re willing to follow where God leads all the stuff in this world won’t matter. Our focus shifts. Hearts take the lead role.
When Jesus called the disciples and asked them to come with Him they left everything and followed Him. All the earthly treasures stored up couldn’t compare to the desire to follow where He led. He asked them and he’s still asking us to put people over things.
When we’re following the heart of Jesus we’ll find the hearts of those He loves.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:34