What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

I’ve been checked out and more than a bit out of it lately.

I took a scheduled break from writing in May and the first part of June as it’s our busiest time of the year on the ranch.

It’s amazing how quickly a discipline or habit we’ve had for quite a while can slip away when not exercised. I kept telling myself I was too busy to write and it would just have to wait.

The thing is though, the longer I waited to start back up the harder it became to start at all!

The excuses became easier and the discipline became harder. I kept telling myself I was too busy and it really didn’t matter that much anyway. To be honest, I was am struggling with the fear of failing.

What if it’s harder than I remembered? What if I was always fooling myself before and this wasn’t what God called me to do? Do I even have words left in me anymore?

Yikes, even typing those words I realize how much the enemy was feeding me lies. I simply got out of a habit and lost the discipline and the devil took full advantage of my doubts I voiced.

Have you ever been there? Fear of failure keeping you from exercising the self-discipline God has given us.

Speak against the lies of fear and timidity in the name of Jesus. Be brave in Him. Claim the spirit of power, love and self-discipline He freely gives.

That may look different for each of us and in each situation. Maybe it’s someone speaking truth into your life at the moment God has orchestrated. It could be the quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit reminding you of who and whose you really are! Maybe it’s simply making the next right choice.

I want to get back in the habit of writing what God lays on my heart to share. It takes discipline. You know what, it’s not easy. But…God created us for hard things.

I’m literally just putting one word down and then the next. I’m asking God to help me be brave. I’m giving him the little bit of bold I have right now and trusting Him to handle the rest.

He’s more than capable of taking the little bit of self-discipline hidden deep inside us and bring it to its fullest.

(A little grace from you with my stumbling words on this first one back would be much appreciated as well.)

What area(s) of your life do you need put some self-discipline into action? Let me know in the comments and I’d be happy to pray with you!

I’m sharing this post with several other blogger’s at these Faith Linkups. I encourage you to check them out. If this post resonates with you and feel it would help others please feel free to share. Easy to share buttons below. ~Laura~

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