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Empty Nest Part 1

That time God asked me to …                                                Put down the idol of motherhood.   Maybe I missed all the discussions about empty nest before I headed into this new territory. Or could it be we simply don’t discuss it very much? Since...

But if You say so…

Have you ever known God is telling you to move but not sure what that means? Or even if you know where He’s calling you but it just doesn’t make any sense? I’ve been there a time or two as well.We’d had a special speaker at church and I’d been hearing God whispering...

How I Learned to Love my Scars

“Argh, these darn stretch marks itch so bad I’m going to scratch right through my belly!” I hollered across the bed to my husband. He tried to reassure me, “I really don’t think that’s a possibility.”So I came up with a grand...

Brave the Anxiety for the Adventure

“I am brave, I am brave, I am brave!” I just kept repeating it to myself so the anxious thoughts might not move back in and set up camp.When I was younger I lived life fearlessly, probably to a fault if I’m honest. I was ten foot tall and bulletproof, or so I thought....

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