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Can You Hear Gods Voice Above The Noise?

Can You Hear Gods Voice Above The Noise?

Can you hear God’s voice? Do you hear Him when he calls to you? I’m in the middle of lambing right now and it’s such a great reminder on how we have to listen to be able to distinguish God’s voice above the noise. When it’s a ewe and her lambs and...
3 Practical Ways to Learn to Trust God

3 Practical Ways to Learn to Trust God

The day started out bright and sunny with so much promise. Loping along on my little horse alongside my brother and dad. The day was beginning to unfold and there were many adventures left to be had. I was living every little 6 year old girl’s dream. Well, I’m not...
Perspectives shift in the light of Jesus

Perspectives shift in the light of Jesus

When I was young I used to ride a giant of a horse. My dad would saddle him for me and I would shimmy up his leg until I could reach the stirrup. From there I would continue the climb to the top of that mountain I called “Butch”. Then Butch, my sister and I would head...
Christmas is a Reminder of Hope for All

Christmas is a Reminder of Hope for All

I’m excited to be sharing the following post over at www.wearehisdaughters.com And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone...

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