What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?

Are We Afraid of the Power?

“I’m sorry Mrs. Hicks but it appears that you have too much scar tissue and the chances of you ever conceiving are slim to none.” The doctor’s words washed over me like a dark cloud and dragged me down into the depths of despair. We had been married...

Earthly Love Notes from Our Heavenly Father

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Psalm 19:1 (NLT)The hills all across the horizon were dotted with ewes and their new baby lambs.The sun kissed different parts of the pasture with sparkles of beautiful light. I could feel the...

The Maker’s Hand

We’re going to switch gears here just a little today. I’m super excited to share some of my brother’s poetry with you. He’s talented in so many ways and has a powerful testimony that God is using for His glory. I hope to share it with you in...

A Little Piece of My Heart

Sometimes I have grand ideas of what I should share in print. Other times I just stare at the blank screen and am completely baffled. Most of the time, I start typing and God fills in the important parts.Writing is a process of learning for me. I type and God reaches...

When Seasons Change

I’m excited to be linking up with many talented bloggers for Five Minute Friday!  Every Thursday night a prompt word is given and writers take 5 minutes and write what’s on their heart. It’s a free write. No editing, no over thinking and no...

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