by laura.hicks | Feb 16, 2021 | Ranching, Uncategorized
Let’s continue on with busting some myths in regards to agriculture with a topic I’m passionate about – women in ag. Women are a vital part of the agriculture industry. They’ve always been but it’s fun to see the data starting to show it...
by laura.hicks | Jan 20, 2021 | Ranching
Those of us who grew up ranching and farming might find it shocking how many Americans don’t have the most basic understanding of where their food comes from. When you grow up in Agriculture you can find yourself assuming everyone understands how a vegetable is grown...
by laura.hicks | Jan 11, 2021 | Faith, Ranching
Can I shoot straight with you? I’m scared of the dark. Not when I’m sleeping comfortably in my house but please don’t ask me to go outside in the dark without a good light! It was a cold, damp, February night with no moonlight out. My horse was saddled in the barn...
by laura.hicks | Jan 6, 2021 | Faith
Well hello friends. It’s been far too long hasn’t it? Let me apologize. I could come up with a thousand different excuses but let’s just be honest, I lost my fire to write. I’ve struggled with what to write. It got put on the back burner and then that back...
by laura.hicks | Nov 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
How was your Thanksgiving? Maybe it looked different than years gone by but I’m praying you felt God’s love through it. Believe it or not we have a lot to be grateful for this last year! I teamed up with some amazing women to share all the different ways...
by laura.hicks | Sep 28, 2020 | Bible Study, Ranching
Anyone else finding themselves wanting to just check out from social media, news and the chaos of the world? Maybe run away to the solitude of the buffalo pasture and bugle elk all day? Just me? In Matthew 14 we find Jesus feeding the 5000+ from just a few fish and...
by laura.hicks | Sep 3, 2020 | Faith, family, Prayer, testimony
All of a sudden I could feel the heat rise up in me as the darkness closed in. Suffocating me but somehow the doctor kept speaking. How could he? Couldn’t he feel the air getting thin too? The heaviness of the moment was crushing me but he just kept sharing the news...
by laura.hicks | Aug 19, 2020 | Bible Study, Faith, Ranching
Friend, fall calving season has begun at our place. (Insert happy dance here!) Seriously, I love baby animals. Calves, lambs, puppies, kittens, foals, you name it I’m here for it! Then to top it off we changed some things around a couple of years ago and now we fall...
by laura.hicks | Apr 27, 2020 | Faith, Ranching
Well hello Spring! I’m glad to see you old friend. I’m pretty stinking excited for so many of the great things that come along with you too. The green grass. Warm breezes. Baby calves. New lambs. Smell of fresh turned farm ground. But most of all the HOPE...
by laura.hicks | Feb 24, 2020 | Faith, Ranching
Have you ever heard the parable about the lost sheep. In Matthew 18 and Luke 15 Jesus shares a parable about the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to retrieve the one who has wandered off and gotten lost. Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them....
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