by laura.hicks | Oct 25, 2016 | Faith, testimony, Uncategorized
My teeth wouldn’t quit chattering as the cold seeped into every ounce of my being. I longed for some kind of warmth to take over. I was no stranger to cold but this deep kind of cold seemed to completely overtake me. I cranked up the water’s heat knowing it...
by laura.hicks | Oct 21, 2016 | Faith
Five Minute Friday is so much fun for me. No pressure! Simply a word prompt on twitter (#fmfparty) on Thursday night and then write. No over thinking or editing. There is a linkup on Friday at where we can read other’s five minute free write....
by laura.hicks | Oct 18, 2016 | Faith, family
We all have different burdens to carry as we go through life. There are times in life when we feel like the burden is so great and we’re all alone. Other times we can feel the load lighten as we’re lifted up by those who love us. Often we choose to forge...
by laura.hicks | Oct 5, 2016 | Faith, family
Have you been praying for a loved one’s salvation? I get it, it’s hard to keep praying day after day when we don’t see results. At least in our timing anyway. But, God is big enough to handle it! He loves our loved ones even more than we do. Of course He...
by laura.hicks | Sep 28, 2016 | Faith, family
Over the last two weeks we’ve dug into how moving into a new season of life can make us feel as well as ways to deal with it. Today I want to share some truth nuggets we can plant deep in our hearts as we move forward. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or...