What Critter Are You Based On How You Work?
Do you ever get tired of doing good for others or even for yourself? Just flat out tired of giving your best and ready to throw in the towel? I’d say most of us desire to have a generous spirit and willingly step out in faith to the assignment He has given each of us. It doesn’t mean we’re exempt from the humanness of exhaustion though, physically or mentally!
I truly wish that every day was sunshine and roses as we put our feet into motion walking out the calling the Lord has put on our lives. Maybe it is for others but I have days that can be downright difficult as I follow God’s assignments for me.
God doesn’t call out us into the deep waters of service and then wish us the best as He walks onto the next person. No! He knows full well we’re going to need Him and that’s the point. If we could do it without Him we’d believe it’s all about us instead of the truth of how God saves, not us.
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NLT)
It has been an exhausting month in my life. I truly love what God has called me to do but there have been many days over this last month that I was physically exhausted and even more so mentally. I wish I could tell you that I walked through it with tons of maturity and grace. Unfortunately I’ve been known to need a pretty good fall to make me realize that once again I’m trying to do it all in my own strength.
But…God is faithful and I hear Him whisper “Come to me” much quicker than I did in the past. He wants to help us. Not just get through our assignments in life but live the John 10:10 life of “life abundantly”.
I don’t mean that our workload is necessarily any lighter by man’s terms but I often find the spring returning to my step and my spirit renewed to the point I feel new energy. We remember we’re not in this alone! God is with us and WILL help us do His will.

Keep pushing forward my friends and lift each other up along the journey!

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Laura Hicks
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